tirsdag den 8. maj 2012


Saturday was Cinco De Mayo which were celebrated with mustaches, tequila and maracas. It was also the last weekend before finals week and everybody needed some fun before spending the rest of the week at the library. Next weekend is the last weekend before people start going home – it’s going to be hard to say goodbye to everyone. 

onsdag den 2. maj 2012

Culture Shock

Last weekend was filled with music, carnival rides, fried Oreos and hangovers. I didn’t know any of the bands but it was just fun to see a new side of campus. Apparently the weather is always really bad when it is Culture Shock and it was not like it was amazing weather this weekend but at least it didn’t rain. After the weekend it was back to reality and the last week of school before finals week.    

onsdag den 25. april 2012


I only have a couple of weeks left of school which also means that I have a lot of school work. I therefore spend a lot of time at the library these days not so much fun but very necessary. But after next week I’ll be almost finished with school for this semester! After school ends I’m gonna travel around a little to see some of the people I’ve got to know while I’ve been here – very excited for that!!!  

tirsdag den 17. april 2012

Zombie prom

Friday was Zombie prom. You dress up as a zombie, pour fake blood on yourself and drink a lot of beer. It was so much fun, the best part of the night though was almost getting dressed. 

onsdag den 11. april 2012


One of the best things being on exchange is meeting a lot great people. Even though I’ve only been here for a little more than 2 months I feel so comfortable around these people. And I am sure that I will remember all of them for the rest of my life. Yesterday the first one in the group left for a job and I can’t even imagine how hard it will be when school ends and I have to say goodbye to the rest of them! <3   

fredag den 6. april 2012


My family has been visiting me during spring break and I have therefore been in the city for a week. Even though I have been at Purchase for more than 2 months I have only been in the city 2 times. So this week I have been doing a lot of touristy things and shopping. The weather has been beautiful and I had so much fun. It’s tough though to walk all day so my feet are looking forward to go back to campus where the longest walk is to Starbucks, which takes 5 min! 

onsdag den 21. marts 2012


Living on campus is a new thing for me and it has been exciting and challenging. In the beginning I was a little afraid that it would all drama and chaos living with 5 other girls, especially when I’m use to live by myself. But as it turns out it has been so much fun and a good way to get to now people. This is definitely one of the things I have enjoyed most – living with 5 amazing girls!  

mandag den 12. marts 2012

Milk and cookies

We been eating cookie dough a couple of times while I’ve been here and it’s a strange thing. But a few weeks ago we decided to try and make some real cookies out of the dough instead. Milk and cookies are an awesome late-night snack.  

onsdag den 7. marts 2012

Slim Jim

Last week when I went shopping with some friends I saw the Slim Jims at the check out and I have always thought of beef jerky as something American so I had to try it. I tasted it and it was a little strange. It was kind of like earing flavored plastic! Non of the others seemed to like it either so maybe it isn’t an American thing?! I don’t know.. I don’t think I’m going to buy it again though.

onsdag den 29. februar 2012

Creative corner

Every Sunday evening we have a creative corner in our house. It is a nice way to just relax, get ready for a new week and talk to the other girls! I’m not an artist but the others inspire me and you never get to old for sand art ;)


lørdag den 25. februar 2012

New Haven

Last weekend I went to New Haven to hear some music. It was so nice to get away from campus for a while. We went to one of the others house where there were real food with real vegetables and a real family. The music was from New Orleans and it was AMAZING!! 

tirsdag den 21. februar 2012


Tuesday was Valentine's Day which was celebrated with candy, red drinks and lots of love. There has been heart shaped chocolates and balloons in the stores since I came four weeks ago. All the couples I know here went on dates tuesday and giving each other gifts. It's funny because Valentin's Day is slowly becoming bigger in Denmark but people are still very reticent about the whole thing. It's actually not just Valentin's Day that are becoming bigger but the whole american dating concept that is starting to become a more and more integrated part of the danish society. So it was fun to see how the real thing was held!      

tirsdag den 14. februar 2012

Candlelight Inn

Saturday we went to the Candlelight Inn to have what apparently should be the best wings. And as i learnt while i've been here everything comes with cheese so i had chicken with cheese for the first time! And it was AMAZING..  

tirsdag den 7. februar 2012

Super Bowl Sunday

Super Bowl was celebrated with pie, wings and beer!!